There has certainly been a change in the most Googled words during this period. Covid has caused a huge change in the organization of companies and people, in customer relations, strategies and above all in how to consider the future with new rules. It is no coincidence that, in order to adapt to new requirements, companies are being challenged to adapt, starting from observing and listening to their surroundings in order to respond with effective means and tools. Smartworking has accelerated this process: a paradigm shift in the corporate culture, and one which opens up new scenarios. In this sense, digital transformation is a metamorphosis that changes social relations, especially in the exchanges of human capital necessary for teamworking, as nurtured by HR managers who invested so much in networking policies in recent years. As a communications agency, we have supported companies in this process, looking for a deconstructed language from the rhetoric of the moment, to make the business community recognize this new digital identity. Through new creative tools, we have built narratives to underline how sudden challenges can be overcome with the strength of the group. The graphic creations, videos and on-demand communication have followed a common thread that is bonded to a fundamental value: empathy; to keep motivation high, to support interpersonal relationships and reduce distances. All this has been translated into our virtual events, which are the synthesis of a creative twist, and to build a space in which the participants are engaged and motivated. We built the virtual event around them to reduce the sense of distance at a time when everyone has been called to do their bit. Therefore, a change in the communication tools but not in the effectiveness of the action are evident in the results we have obtained. If this is the time for change, we can say that we have already changed, because we are building the rules for the communication of the future, with the professionalism which has always distinguished us. Barilla bought out two pages in the newspapers to thank all its employees at work during this period, citing them one by one, name by name. A concrete example of how new actions are necessary to bond team membership even more.